The Momentum 2050 draft will be presented to the South Carolina Department of Transportation Commission on March 20, 2025. Dates for soliciting public comment on Momentum 2050 will be made available following this meeting.


Welcome and thank you for taking the time to learn about the 2050 statewide multimodal transportation plan (SMTP) Momentum 2050: Moving South Carolina Forward.


Your inclusion and involvement are very important. Have your voice heard.

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the Secretary

Momentum 2050 is more than a plan – it is a road map for economic prosperity in South Carolina. The road and bridge network in South Carolina supports the movement of freight and people across our state. We have to keep these critical arteries of commerce flowing. We are designing a future that connects rural South Carolina to the global economy and provides access to job opportunities while continuing to promote the prosperity of our urban centers.

This is not just the work of the South Carolina Department of Transportation – this is an effort by everyone on Team South Carolina. We’re working closely with key stakeholders like the Ports Authority, Department of Commerce and the Office of Resilience. We’re also connecting with the officials in your local communities and asking for input from our bike, pedestrian, transit and freight partners.

I’m glad you’re here. I encourage you to participate in the planning effort, and I want you to know that the proud team at the South Carolina Department of Transportation is committed to building the future for the people of South Carolina.

South Carolina Secretary of Transportation Justin P. Powell

Momentum 2050 — managed by the Office of Planning of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) — provides and opportunity for the Department to build upon the currently adopted 2040 SMTP, enhance public outreach and stakeholder involvement efforts, update the vision, goals, and objectives, document environmental and cultural resources, prepare for emerging technologies, leverage data analytics to assess performance-based needs, and develop investment strategies. The result of these efforts will culminate in an adopted 2050 SMTP.

Once adopted, Momentum 2050 will provide long-term guidance for the development of transportation programs and will establish strategies to achieve South Carolina’s transportation goals for a 25-year period. The statewide multimodal transportation plan is updated every five years to reflect the latest information on travel and growth trends, goals and objectives, infrastructure conditions, future deficiencies, and estimated funding.


SCDOT has already been working on several important transportation priorities which will be a focus for the plan. These priorities include:


SCDOT aims to make roads safer for everyone who uses them, including bicyclists, pedestrians, and drivers in cities, towns, and the countryside.

Preserving State-Owned Highways

SCDOT maintains over 41,000 miles of roads, which is the fourth largest system of state-owned roads in the country. Maintaining the state’s existing roads that South Carolinians use every day is a priority.

Investing in
Interstate Highways

SCDOT invests in key roads, bridges, and highway interchanges to create new economic opportunities and support the jobs and businesses that are there now.

Preserving State-Owned Bridges

SCDOT owns, operates, and maintains over 8,000 bridges. Properly caring for these bridges not only protects taxpayers’ investment, but also improves resilience for such natural disasters as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

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