the Plan

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to learn about the 2050 statewide multimodal transportation plan (SMTP) Momentum 2050: Moving South Carolina Forward.

Your inclusion and involvement are very important.

Get Involved with Momentum 2050


The primary means of collecting stakeholder and public input for Momentum 2025 are a Stakeholder Outreach Group (SOG), public open houses throughout the state, online and paper surveys (available through September 2024) and a project website. 


The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a significant project that requires a comprehensive and thorough planning process. The information below provides a detailed explanation of the various phases of the planning process, from analyzing current transportation conditions to the adoption and implementation of the LRTP. We believe that transparency and public engagement are essential components of the planning process, and we encourage stakeholders and the public to get involved and provide feedback throughout the process.

From 2040
to 2050

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is looking at the best way to move people and goods across the state. In South Carolina, we face many changes. These shifts — in population, communities, businesses, environment, safety, and travel behavior — affect how people and goods move throughout the state. It is important we proactively plan to address these changes, so we can deliver a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the safety of people, the environment, and our economy.


That’s why, every five years SCDOT writes a plan for the future of the state’s multimodal transportation network. The document is a statewide plan for all users, all modes and any area that has a role in South Carolina’s transportation system. It evaluates the status of the transportation system, what’s changing, and how we’re going to move forward over the next twenty-five years. This plan does not choose specific projects or decide what will be built where, but it develops the vision and goals for the future of transportation in South Carolina.

The work is so important to the success of the future system that it is required under both federal and state law. Whether you travel by foot, two wheels or more, by bus, by rail, by boat or airplane, Momentum 2050 will Move South Carolina Forward.

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Goals &

Momentum 2050 is a significant project that requires a comprehensive and thorough planning process. This section provides a detailed explanation of the various phases of the planning process, from analyzing current transportation conditions to the adoption and implementation of the LRTP. We believe that transparency and public engagement are essential components of the planning process, and we encourage stakeholders and the public to get involved and provide feedback throughout the process.


Continued System Recovery: Provide regular, routine maintenance to the existing system to ensure there are no closures or restrictions and that there is a safe, smooth driving surface. Prioritize initiatives and countermeasures aimed at curbing crashes, serious injuries and fatalities among all roadway users.

  • Continue pavement recovery.  
  • Enhance bridge investment to address aging inventory. 
  • Focus on safety investment to bring down South Carolina high fatality rate and future impact for electric vehicles.  
  • Identify sustainable revenue stream and electric vehicles are adopted.  


Support Freight Investment: Systematically invest in a world-class interstate system to support the movement of freight and people across South Carolina to keep the economy growing.

  •  Accelerate rural interstate investment to widen remaining rural segments of interstate.   
  • Invest in an urban congestion program to improve reliability on major urban corridors. 
  • Establish a rural off-interstate NHS Improvement Program. 


Address Urban and Rural Mobility: Address traffic congestion in urban areas and prioritize improved access for rural communities to and from jobs, healthcare, and education.

  • Continue effort to improve Regional Mobility Program to address rural and urban projects for local congestion and access needs.  
  • Focus on efforts like signal retiming to improve operation of the existing network.  
  • Refocus transit on workforce development.  


Deepen Multimodal Partnerships: Prioritize initiatives that leverage other modes of transportation to support South Carolina’s continued prosperity.

  • Support Port Authority’s efforts to establish expanded capacity at existing and planned terminals.  
  • Seek ways to optimize freight rail operations in partnership with Class I and Class III railroads.  

Understanding the Present and
Forecasting the Future

Much has changed in South Carolina and the world since South Carolina’s 2040 statewide multimodal transportation plan, which it last updated in 2020. The 2050 statewide multimodal transportation plan Momentum 2050 is an opportunity to build upon the previous plan in several key areas including:

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